Google Reviews, Review Stats

Do my Google Reviews Impact Ranking of my Google Business Profile?

Google online reviews are now having a greater impact on shaping a business’s online visibility and local search ranking within the Google ecosystem than ever before. They serve as a fundamental element of a business’s Google Business Profile, which is prominently featured on Google Maps and in local search results. The following explanation highlights how getting Google reviews is easier than you think.  Getting more Google reviews can contribute to shaping a business’s profile, influencing its ranking and increasing its customer base. Let’s start with the local search results: 

Local Google My Business Ranking 

Shoppers love reading Google reviews from customers.  Shoppers trust what your customers say about your products and services.  In fact, many shoppers trust Google reviews as much as referrals from family and friends. The #1 factor for Google Ranking is Google Trust.  And your customer reviews bring Google trust to your platform. 

While online Google reviews are indeed an important factor for local search ranking and can have a significant impact on a business’s online visibility and reputation, it’s just one among many factors that Google considers. Other factors like relevance to the search terms, distance from the person searching, website quality and content, business information accuracy, and the overall online prominence of the business play vital roles in determining local search rankings.

How shoppers view your Google reviews

 For shoppers, there are several factors that business owners need to understand. 

  1. Most import factor to understand is that over 90% of shoppers read reviews before they choose a local vendor online.
  2. Shoppers believe what their customers say more than what any of your customer service or salespeople communicate to them.
  3. 52% of a company’ market value is attributed to its reputation. Almost 92% said that at least a quarter of their market value should be attributed to their online reputation.  Reviews are proof of your reputation amongst the public.
  4. Shoppers can tell if the reviews are fake. Google and shoppers hate fake reviews.  You can tell many times because they are sales-oriented reviews, or an employee may write them.
  5. 97% read the responses to reviews – Yet 75% of businesses do not respond to reviews.
  6. Not responding to a bad review will be seen by shoppers as a true and accurate statement.
  7. Not responding to your customers’ good reviews may show that you don’t appreciate them taking the time to write a review for your business.

Google reviews influence a business’s visibility in local search results. A good Google Review will include the customer experience and whether the client is happy.  When users search for products or services in a specific location, Google considers factors such as keyword relevance, distance, and local authority to display the most relevant businesses. The number and quality of Google business reviews contribute greatly to a business’s “Google Trust” factor, thereby impacting its ranking in local search results. In other words, does Google trust your business enough to show it in the local search? Your Google business reviews are a Major Trust Factor for Google!

Why is getting Google reviews so difficult?

 Stats show that 74% of shoppers would give you a review if asked.  However, when talking to many business owners they all say the same thing.  “Sure.  I ask my customers for a Google Review but most never follow up and write a review.”  Many small business owners give up asking for reviews or resort to using software to send review requests.  The results are dismal but at least they don’t have to ask and not have their client follow up. The key is that it needs to be EASY for the client and the one asking for the review!  See our Happy Customer Review video.

Lots of Quality Google Reviews Results in Higher Ranking

The businesses at the top of the page usually have the most reviews.  There can be other factors, but shoppers love reviews.  The website effects Google ranking and having your Google reviews streamed to your business website can do wonders for placement.  The other factor is that 85% of shoppers don’t trust reviews older than 90 days. You need to be current.  But how do we get a lot of reviews?  This is the question many business owners should be asking.

Most Business Owners are Not using their # Asset for Increasing Google Reviews

 The #1 asset for getting Google reviews is your employees that deal directly with your customers.  Too many businesses just send random emails and get a dismal 3% response.  And not all are good reviews or quality reviews.  Sending random text results in 8.5%

Happy Customer Reviews mobile app allows all business owners to include their team in getting reviews.  Everyone has a mobile phone and simply asking your client for a review can be simple.  If you give your client a good experience, they will want to share it. All your employees need is the proper tool and incentive, and your Google reviews will soar!  See our video.

This has the potential to change your culture.  I remember having a plumbing company come to my home and asked the employee why the company reviews were so bad.  The response was basically “It’s not my job man.” 

After all, the reviews are mainly about the customer service team.  If the business owners would give their team the job of getting reviews and activate their team with bonuses for obtaining great reviews.  Then, they would all need to provide great service to obtain a review.  This is a good thing.  The bonus tells your employees how important quality Google reviews are for your business.  Plus, shoppers see your reviews as your reputation.

I personally don’t know many business owners who wouldn’t reward their staff individually for improving their online reputation by using Google reviews.  This is a win-win opportunity for both the team and the business bottom line. Plus, our software tracks who gets the reviews.  You may find diamonds in the ruff employees this way.

This is a way to tell your team that Google reviews are important to your business reputation and growth of your business.  Employees want to do good and get recognition and the bonus works.  This also will improve Google ranking and it’s no secret that the businesses at the top of the page get most of the calls and profits. 

If you need help with your Google Business Profile or getting more Google reviews for your business, we have the solution! For more information visit: